I made Diamond Lux Lights for sailors

Lighting is a very important part when it comes to actions done in the dark. With a sufficient illumination, we can do actions that would not otherwise be safely done in the dark. Lighting is especially well done on land, in yards and streets. However, we very rarely have proper lighting used in vessels. This is why the outside lighting of any vessel, whether it is a big yacht or a small boat, will be the next trend when it comes to sailing. When sailors get older, a safe movement and lighting has to be in good condition.

For a few years I was searching for a light for sailing use, that would at the same time be easy to use, maintenance free, wireless and un-noticeable. I realized that this was extremely hard, because such a product did not exist.

All of the products on the market were wired, so they were hard to install and took hours of work. Mastering the flow of cords through the vessel, the proper sealing of them, and basically everything related to installment of wired lights was hard and time-consuming. In addition to this, they used the battery capacity of the boat, which obviously is always limited when sailing at the sea.

During different kinds of experiments, I tried lights designed for cycling, headlamps and all kinds of flashlights. The problem with all of these was the fact, that they are not designed for sailing and boat usage. Their attachments were not sufficient enough, and their designs had protruding parts that broke easily. In addition their impact or kick tolerance was not enough, and they kept breaking by accident as well. Attaching all of these aforementioned lights was very hard and cumbersome. And also proper maintaining of these lights took way too much time. 

Marine Deck Lights Diamond Lux Lights